Thursday, October 18, 2007




A report is a logical presentation of facts and information. A good business report must be an orderly arrangement of some factual information that is objective nature and serves some business purpose. It is designed to give a complete picture of what has taken place at a distance from the reader who does not know about it gather’s knowledge about it from what the writer presents in the report.

Who reads and writes reports:

Consider the following routine informational needs of management and other human resources in a large, complex,and perhaps multinational organization

1. A manager prepares a proposal for the company to bid on a government project.

2. A vice president asks subordinates to gather and analyze information needed to make an operational decision.

3. A human resources supervisor relies on the firms legal staff to interpret government requirements for completing a compliance report.

4. A sales manager at headquarters uses information provided by the field representatives to make sales projection.

Types of reports


*Inform or instruct – present information·

*Reader sees the details of events, activities or conditions.

*No analysis of the situation, no conclusion, no recommendations.


*Written to solve problems.

*Information is analyzed.

*Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made.


An extension of analytical reports: main focus is to sell an idea, service or product. Proposals are the most common type.

Periodic reports:

Three common types of periodic reports are routine management reports,complient reports, and progress reports.

Routine management reports:

Every organization requires its own set of recurring reports to provide the knowledge base from which decisions are made and problems are solved.

Compliance reports:

Many state and federal government agencies require companies doing business with them to file reports showing that are complying with regulations in such areas as affirmative action, contacts with foreign firms, labour relation, occupational safety, financial dealing, and environmental concerns.

Progress reports:

Interim progress reports are often used to reports the status of long term projects. they are submitted periodically to management for internal projects, to the customer for external projects, and to the investor for an accounting of venture capital expenditure.


Periodic Operating Reports - To monitor and control production, sales, shipping, service, etc.

Situational Report - To describe one-time events, such as trips, conferences, and seminars.

Investigative / Informational- To examine problems and supply facts with analysis.

Compliance - To respond to government agencies and laws.

Justification/Recommendation- To make recommendations to management

Yardstick - To establish criteria and evaluate alternatives bymeasuring against the “yardstick” criteria.

Research Studies - To study problems scientifically by analyzing aproblem, developing hypotheses, collecting data,analyzing data, and drawing conclusions.

Proposals - To offer to solve problems, investigate ideas.


The various skills needed for interviewer and interviewee are







If you are an interviewer of the corporate, you must have the following qualities or skills:

1. To find out the most suitable candidate for the job.

2. To give the candidates sufficient information about the job and the company so that they can decide whether the job will suit them.

3. To create a sense of confidence and understanding in the selected candidate.

4. To promote the goodwill of the company by giving the right kind of impression to all the candidates whether or not they are to be selected. The realization of this objective definitely calls for careful preparation.

As an interviewer, you must make the following preparations:-

- You should have a clear picture of the company profile and of the nature of the job for which the interview is being held.

- You should know the type of personality character or temperament required for the job.

- You should send the interview letters well in advance so that the candidates are not inconvenienced and they also get sufficient time to prepare themselves for the interview. Clearly mention in the letter the documents you want the candidates to bring with them.

- Make proper seating arrangement for the candidates in the waiting room. The room should be quiet with provision for newspapers and magazines so that the candidates can feel resolved.

- The interview itself should be conducted in a quiet room where there is little or no interruption. The telephone bell should not be allowed to disturb, nor should the personal assistant be allowed to intrude. The interview should be held, as far as possible, in a formal atmosphere.

- If the candidate is to be interviewed by a committee, each member of the committee should be in possession of a copy of the bio-data of the candidate so that there is neither any confusion nor wastage of time.

- You should decide before hand as to which member of the committee is going to initiate the interview. This will save the candidate from being bombarded with questions. According to the area of specialization of the various members of the committee, you should divide among yourselves the areas in which you are going to ask questions.


If you are an interviewee, you should prepare yourself on the following lines:

1. Know yourself:This is probably that most important part of your preparation. Try to find out what you want to achieve through you work-inner fulfillment, fame, position in society, wealth, security, comfort, travel, power. Before you apply for a job, be sure that you know why you are applying for it and whether it will suit you.

2. Know the company:The next thing is to know the company in which you are seeking the job. You should try to find out as much as you can about its activities, its Growth over the year, its futures prospects, etc. If you reveal a sincere That you have acquired knowledge about it on your own initiative, you will create a favorable impression on your interviewer.

3. Prepare for the questions:Anticipate the questions that you will probably be asked and prepare answers to them. It is not difficult to anticipate these questions, for; after all, you will be asked questions about your interests, hobbies, achievements, prospects, relationship with your friends and members of the family. Try to be clear in your mind about the answers you will be giving. Don’t lie, for you will surely be caught and will spoil the whole show.

4. Prepare the questions that you would like to ask:If the interviewer does not offer you full information about the company and the job, you must ask questions to gain this information. Prepare the questions that you would like to ask. These questions might relate to formal or informal training, promotional avenues, fringe benefits, etc.


1 Dress Appropriately:You should be suitably dressed for the occasion. Your clothes as well as general appearance should be neat. Fingernails should be clean, shoes polished and hairstyle appropriate.

2 Take with you your certificates:If the interview letter mentions some certificates, testimonials or other documents, do not forget to take them with you. If you think there are some other papers that might be of use to you during the interview, put them also in your briefcase.

3 Arrive for the interview in time:This is of utmost importance. Try to arrive at the place of interview ten to fifteen minutes before the scheduled time. This will give you enough time to relax and prepare yourself for the interview.


1. Don’t be nervous or agitated while entering the interview room. See carefully where you are going and do not trip over the carpet or the doormat. Do not wear a scowl or a stupid simile at the time of entering.

2. Greet the interviewer’s with a polite good morning.

3. Do not sit down until you have been asked to. Even the posture in which you sit is important. Don’t sit stiffly. Don’t be lax. Sit in a natural, composed manner.

4. When the interviewer starts conversation, pay attention to what he says. Do not interrupt him. Respond to him only at the appropriate time.

5. Give very relevant answers to his questions. Do not ramble along, or the interviewer will look bored.

6. If there is something you do not know, admit it straightaway.

7. Do not try to make an exhibition of your knowledge. You must answer frankly.

8. Be positive in your attitude. Express your enthusiasm for the job and the company.

9. Do not keep shifting in your seat. Do not bite or chew your fingernails. Do not smoothen your hair. Do not start adjusting the knot of your neck-tie. All these are signs of nervousness and nervousness is your biggest enemy during an interview.

10. When you are asked questions about your previous job, be frank but avoid criticism of your former employer or colleagues.



It includes letters, circulars, memos, telegrams, reports, minutes, forms, questionnaires, manuals, etc. Everything that has to be written and transmitted in the written form falls in the area of written communication.

Written communication plays a vital role in any corporate industry, its merits & demeits are as follows:


1. Written communication provides a permanent record for future reference.

2. This communication is very suitable for lengthy messages.

3. There is lesser chance of missing any important point.

4. Written communication is tangible and verifiable.

5. This method is suitable for sending messages to far-off places.

6. The receiver of a written communication can go over the message again and again. He can read and re-read it till he thinks he has properly understood it.

7. Less danger of losing any part of the message.

8. Written communication is acceptable as a legal document.

9. It facilitates the assignation of responsibilities.

10. It has a wide access.


1. Written communication are more time consuming

2. On-the-Spot classifications are not possible.

3. If the language or words used are not clear, it may lead to confusion and misunderstanding.

4. The communication is less effective as face-face contact is not involved.

5. It is difficult to keep the communication secret.

6. Quick clarification is not possible.

7. It is costly process, not because of postage expenses, which are only nominal, but because a number of people involved in sending out a letter from an organization.


The importance of business becomes even more apparent when we consider the communication activities of an organization from an overall point of view.

These activities fall into three broad categories:

1. Internal operational

2. External operational

3. Personal

Internal operational communication

All the communication that occars in conducting work within a business is classified as internal operational. This the communicationAmong the business’s workers that is done to implement the business’soperating plan. By operating plan we mean the procedure that the business has developed to do whatever it was formed to do.

For example:

To manufacture products, provide a service or sell goodsInternal- operational communication takes many forms. It includes the orders and instructions that supervisors give workers, as well as oralExchanges among workers about work matters.
It includes reportsthat workers prepare concerning sales, production, inventories, finance,maintenance,and so on. It includes the email messages that workers write in carrying out their assignment.

2) External-operational communication;

The work related communicating that a business does with people and groups outside the business is external-operational communication. This is the business's communication with its public - suppliers,service companices,customers,and the general public.external-operational communication includes all of the business's efforts at direct seling; salespeople's "spiels",descriptive brochhres,telephone call backs,follow-upservice calls,and the like.The importance of external -operational communication to a business hardly requires suppoting comment. Every business is every business is dependent on outside people and groups for it s success.of a business depends on its ability to satisfy customers' needs.

3) Personal communication:

Personal communication is the exchange of information and feelings in which we human beings encage whenever we come together. we spend of out time with friends `in communication. even total strangers are likely to communicate when they are placed together,as on aan airplane flight, in a waiting room, or at a ball game. such personals communication also occurs in the workplace, and it is a part of the communication activity of any business. although not a part od the business's plan of operation, personal communication can have a siginificane effect on the success of thatplan. this effect is a result of the influence that personal communication can have on the attitudes of the employees.

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